Recently, the flashcard app we’ve been using to study, TinyCards, announced that they’ll be closing the flashcard app to focus on improving their language app, DuoLingo. Adrienne was hesitant to invest time and energy into another app or plug-in concerned that the flashcard decks and all the work behind them could become useless, again.
Flash back to when Adrienne was a complete luddite. A part of that generation that has lived in both pre- & post-internet, she was frustrated with the lack of technological skills she possessed. That changed when she took the free Computer Science 101 MOOC that used to be offered by Stanford. This course was a life changer because it demystified computer sciences for Adrienne.
Once she saw that computer science was, as her famous auto tech buddy, Bogi would say, “just nuts and bolts,” she wanted to learn more. She enrolled in paid online courses to learn HTML, CSS, JS, and Python and has been fiddling around in computer sciences ever since.
All of that to say, she’s trying out creating her own flashcard decks on using code rather than plug-ins or apps. This means that these valuable study materials that RVIT offers the public for free will always remain open and free!
You can see what she’s started so far on the RVIT website:
This is one of many examples of Adrienne’s personal drive for knowledge and skills. She’s also ticked off 1,109 days in a row of Spanish language practice in the DuoLingo app. When she finds something she doesn’t know, she’s off on a quest to find out which leads to a wormhole of endless learning-a skill set perfect for the vast and wonderous world of RVing!
Disclaimer: We are not affiliated with Duolingo or TinyCards. We just love user friendly, free, mobile tools!