GOAL Caveat

The GOAL method is something I talk a lot about, because it helps foster independence in the RVing lifestyle. Folks I speak with whose RV journeys are just beginning are aften worried about their abilities to learn to park & back up their RVs.

Even though it’s a valid concern since RVs are large vehicles, it’s easy to learn if you take your time & utilize the GOAL method. You do have to think about different factors driving RVs compared to a regular passenger vehicle, but if you practice good habits, you’ll become a pro in no time!

In 6 Tips to Build RV Parking Confidence, I talk about the GOAL method which has worked well for me so far. I developed a parking routine that works for me when traveling solo. Even when I’m in company, I still prefer to hitch/unhitch & park on my own thanks to GOALing.

There’s always that time, though…when you thought you GOALed all the way, but you didn’t. I’m here to tell you about the second time I towed & parked my RV all by myself…with our St. Bernard in the back seat.

Thankfully, our travels in the rain from beautiful beach side Bolsa Chica State Park in Huntington Beach, CA to Newport Dunes RV Resort in Newport Beach, CA went smoothly. I was able to check in & navigate to my spot, dropped my travel trailer directly where I wanted in in the campsite…& then…

…I realized when I GOALed, I didn’t look up. I backed my RV ladder right into a tree branch from a tree in the campsite behind us. Apparently, I’d only GOALed at the lower areas of my site & failed to see this branch. Thankfully, my ladder was only bent a tad on one rail & the branch didn’t touch my end cap!

This is one of my many examples of learning something the hard way, so I can pass the tip on to my fellow RVers. If you RV at all, you’ll have your own silly stories like this. We’re all about sharing the knowledge here at The Breeze RV, so:

When using the GOAL method for anything in life, look UP, DOWN, & ALL AROUND. Make sure you look at the big picture in addition to the details.

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