What is a Life Safety Issue?

At The Breeze RV, we offer Life Safety Inspections as part of our standard RV Inspection for every rig, but what is a life safety issue?

A life safety issue in an RV has the potential to either cause harm or prevent successful escape from harm. RV Inspectors are trained to assess these potential dangers in RVs. We examine 30+ life safety points at The Breeze RV.

Common dangers in RVs are fire hazards such as improper electrical wiring, noxious fumes such as a propane leak, and expired tires. While there are no guarantees that we can determine if an RV is safe or not from the unobtrusive visual inspections we offer, performing certain assessments can give an RVer a heads up about potential problems.

When we find a potential problem such as a sealed emergency exit window or an expired carbon monoxide detector, we recommend that the issue is addressed by qualified professionals prior to the unit being occupied.

You can read the full list of the Life Safety Inspection included in all of our RV inspections to learn more!

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