RVing Social Media

Instagram has an amazing roster of RVers that share entertaining information about their travels & Facebook has endless groups for every RVing interest out there. What about RV specific social media? There are a few out there that have a forum style feel to the groups & a variety of other tools that help connect RVers.

RVillage is one of our favorites. You can connect with “friends” & make or join groups similar to Facebook. You can find get togethers, an RV related marketplace, RVing blogs, & tons more.

We use RVillage as the forum for our sister organization, RVIT. As a brand new organization, we don’t have much going on, yet, but we do have some exciting announcements coming soon. You can find our group here: RVIT: RV Industry Tradeswomen RVillage Group.

What is your favorite way to connect with other RVers online? Tell us in the comments!

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