First, we’d like to offer our condolences to all of the folks who’ve been effected by the COVID-19 pandemic-from those who’ve lost loved ones, to those who’ve lost their jobs or their homes–this has been extremely hard on our communities.

We want to reassure our customers that while we’re still busy at work, we are amping up our precautions. As the former administrator of a medical facility, Adrienne believes infection control is imperative in every day life and especially during any epidemic. Community Care is a core value at The Breeze RV. Here’s what we’re doing to help keep our communities safer–


  • We abide by local, state, and federal laws and mandates both in general and specific to COVID-19.
  • We clean our hands (and faces, arms, etc.) regularly with soap and water when available and with sanitizer and wipes.
  • We wear booties in RV interiors.
  • We wear nitrile gloves when dealing with stinky slinkies and their accoutrements.
  • We’d never show up to work with a fever or other symptoms of contagious illness.
  • We also stopped shaking hands back in March as outlined in our first memo about COVID-19.


  • We’re now wearing face masks and/or shields when interacting with others.
  • We’re keeping our distance–which is easy to do most of the time, but when you’re inside an RV, it’s sometimes impossible. We ask that people use their best sense in respecting other’s personal space and we’ll do the same.
  • While inviting our clients to observe our inspections and ask questions has always been a part of what makes The Breeze RV unique, we’re now asking folks to chat via phone at the end of the onsite inspection if they’d like a highlight reel prior to receiving their written report.
  • Anything that our clients or the sellers they’re working with ask of us specifically will be honored as long as it’s within our abilities. If it’s not, we’ll let you know ahead of time so that you can decide if you’d like to hire us or not.

A pandemic is an ever changing situation. We’ll keep you all updated as our approach to handling the COVID-19 pandemic changes. Stay safe out there, folks and make sure your people know you love them!

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