COVID-19: Infection Control at The Breeze RV

As the Director of Administration at a private medical practice for over a decade, Adrienne has always viewed infection control as a daily practice–times like these are no different.

There are reasonable concerns related to COVID-19, otherwise known as the coronavirus, & like other businesses taking to their mailing lists, we’d like to assure our customers that we’re ready & open for business!

Thankfully, as part of our daily infection control efforts, we use & keep a variety of wipes on hand–clorox, antibacterial, & tea tree–as well as nitrile gloves, sanitizers, & soaps. Adrienne uses these items as part of her daily inspection & repair tool kit as anyone crawling on roofs & floors should.

It’s our aim to protect others by keeping the RV & work space clean, too. At The Breeze RV, we keep our tools disinfected with both UV rays & disinfectant cleaners, use dust booties to protect the RV floors, & use protective measures for anything “gross.” We even place a soft cloth under tools to prevent marring of RV surfaces.

In addition to our regular infection control practices, the major change we’re making to adhere to the physical distancing portion of safety recommendations is to forego shaking hands with folks during greetings.

The infographic below is from the European Center for Disease Control & outlines how we can work together to minimize the spread of COVID-19. Stay safe out there, friends & keep living your best RV life!

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